Steampunk Wallpaper

i say, is that a gear i see? jolly good, yo.

Penguin Books likes us enough to violate our Creative Commons License! Whee!!

So, I understand that book publishers leave all the promotion up to the authors, and I understand that authors, even best-selling ones, aren’t generally rich.

But as far as I can tell, almost every image in this promotional video for Katie Macalister’s Steampunk romance Steamed is used without credit:

My background is at :51, at least: Gears and wrought iron, and I’m fairly certain the blurry mechanical bits under the word “Victim” at :08 are mine too.

Note to self: new theme is terrible for searching. Fix that.

Anyway, both images are Creative Commons Licensed, which means Penguin is violating the license in three ways: they’re using it commercially, didn’t attribute me, AND didn’t release their work under CC.

I’ve moved my Creative Commons License info up to be more noticeable, and I’ve written them a email as well. We’ll see what happens.

… I’m flattered, though.

Edit: this is a long and complicated blamechain. Still working it out.

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