Steampunk Wallpaper

i say, is that a gear i see? jolly good, yo.

Guest Wallpaper: Widescreen AND fullscreen: Novel Exercise Apparatus by Kyle

| February 28, 2009

Title: Novel Exercise ApparatusDescription: Kyle loves you and made two versions of this.Type: Fullscreen, 1280×1024, Widescreen, 2560×1600Credits: Based off the following pictures: Creative Commons licensed derivative.

Guest Wallpaper: Widescreen – Eagle

| February 25, 2009

A guest submission by Jeff Perryman of Toy Soldiers Unite. Title: EagleDescription: The United States SealType: Widescreen, 1680×1050Credits: Created by Jeff Perryman, no copyright.

Guest Wallpaper: Fullscreen – Trolly

| February 24, 2009

A guest submission by Jeff Perryman of Toy Soldiers Unite. Title: TrollyDescription: An old style trolly advertisementType: Fullscreen, 1280×1024Credits: Created by Jeff Perryman, no copyright.

Guest Wallpaper: Fullscreen – Trolly

| February 24, 2009

A guest submission by Jeff Perryman of Toy Soldiers Unite. Title: TrollyDescription: An old style trolly advertisementType: Fullscreen, 1280×1024Credits: Created by Jeff Perryman, no copyright.

Fullscreen: Pipeboards

| February 23, 2009

Title: PipeboardsDescription: Darker, less subtle and Interfacing 1 or Interfacing 2, but a bit more 3D ad well.Type: Fullscreen, 1280×1024Credits: Hand made in Photoshop, but includes textures from Grunge and Smashmethod. Creative Commons licensed derivative.

Guest Wallpaper: Fullscreen, Steam-Powered Submarine by Kyle

| February 22, 2009

Title: Steam-Powered SubmarineDescription: Cool new wallpaper by Kyle the Commenter (who’s kinda shy). He’s given me a few new wallpapers to post, and they’ll be sprinkled here and there over the next week or so. 🙂  I really like this; it takes a pretty simple concept (steam submarine, which I did here, but mine’s not […]

Fullscreen: Interfacing 2

| February 19, 2009

Title: Interfacing 2Description: Man, these are a blast to do.Type: Fullscreen, 1280×1024Credits: Based off the picture by Curious Expeditions, again.Creative Commons licensed derivative.

Widescreen: Interfacing 1

| February 18, 2009

Title: Interfacing 1Description: I always end up arranging my icons into little groups, and have been making ‘labeled’ icon box wallpapers for a while. Here’s one that’s non-labeled… and widescreen! If people like them, I’ll do some more. I have visions of ornate scrollwork fillagree’d boxes….Type: Widescreen, 1680×1050Credits: Based off the picture by Curious Expeditions, again. […]

Fullscreen, by request: Blue Watch

| February 17, 2009

Title: Fullscreen Blue WatchDescription: You wanted a fullscreen, you got it. 😀 Type: Fullscreen, 1280×1024Credits: Still based off the picture by Curious Expeditions. Creative Commons licensed derivative. Version of Widescreen: Blue Watch.

Fullscreen: Geargrunge

| February 16, 2009

Title:GeargrungeDescription:Abstracty gear grungy thingymaboby. What? I just woke up.Type: Fullscreen, 1280×1024Credits: Based off the picture by abbey*christine, with some textures by Grunge for spice. Creative Commons licensed derivative.

Widescreen – Dual Monitor Special! Coffee

| February 15, 2009

Title: CoffeeDescription: Yes, I know that almost nobody has dual WIDESCREEN monitors… I forgot. I’ll probably make a ‘fullscreen-dual’ at some point this week.  This is a ‘love you’ present for all the caffinee soaked, twitchy people in my life.Type: Widescreen, 3360×1050Credits: Based off the picture by Curious Expeditions, again (I can’t help it. they have […]

Widescreen: Blue Watch

| February 14, 2009

Title: Blue WatchDescription: I have lust for this pocket watch. If I can’t own it, I’ll just stare at it a while longer… :: drool ::Type: Widescreen, 1680×1050Credits: Based off the picture by Curious Expeditions. Creative Commons licensed derivative.

Non Wallpaper Note: Speed and Stats

| February 9, 2009

Hey, all. So, two things. My site stats have tanked. Badly. Clearly I’ve dissipointed the people who used to come visit the site; I went from approximatly 2,500 hits a day to less than a thousand, and just in the last two weeks. I’m endeavoring to get some more wallpapers out more often, like I […]

Fullscreen: Leaky Pipes

| February 8, 2009

Title:Leaky PipesDescription: I’ve been using this one to sort icons on my desktop. Top pipe is for really useful things (like Photoshop) and then I separate everything else out down below.Type: Fullscreen, 1280×1024Credits: Hand painted in Photoshop, with textures by Grunge. Creative Commons licensed graphic.

Widescreen: Steamglass Window

| February 3, 2009

Title: Steamglass WindowDescription: This… is not the wallpaper I started out to make. I had dreams, you see, dreams of empty cathedral windows, brimming with steam, colors projected upon it’s vaporous goodness. Steamglass windows, the perfect adornment for a factory cathedral. But no, it was not meant to be. My brain, my mouse wandered. I […]