Widescreen: Steamglass Window

Title: Steamglass Window
Description: This… is not the wallpaper I started out to make. I had dreams, you see, dreams of empty cathedral windows, brimming with steam, colors projected upon it’s vaporous goodness. Steamglass windows, the perfect adornment for a factory cathedral. But no, it was not meant to be. My brain, my mouse wandered. I have this, instead. A gear-window… or perhaps a demented gear-eyed muppet. I’m not sure. In any case, sorry about the long wait. The teaser is still in progress; I’m waiting for my new pen. It’s just too hard to paint tenticle-actuators by hand, people!
Type: Widescreen, 1680×1050
Credits: Based off the picture by reway2007. Creative Commons licensed derivative.