Steampunk Wallpaper

i say, is that a gear i see? jolly good, yo.

Industrial – Patina wall – Widescreen and Fullscreen

| February 13, 2010

Title: Industrial – Patina wallDescription:Type: Widescreen, 1680×1050, Fullscreen, 1280×1024Credits:  Base texture from a filter from Filterforge

Steam Heat T-shirt… Well, I was weak and bought one…

| February 11, 2010

and I thought I’d let you guys know it was here. It’s a ShirtWoot, but it’s on Reckoning (IE, time sensitive, but not as bad as the daily woot shirt). Check it out (if you are t-shirt inclined): Steam Heart Note: this isn’t a wallpaper, and I don’t own that image. I just wanted you guys to […]

Guest Wallpaper – Snowmobile Trail by Kyle

| February 6, 2010

Title:Snowmobile Trail by KyleDescription: Kyle is back! YAY! Here’s a lovely subtly steampunky wallpaper you could get away with in a corporate invrio; Oh, look, a nice snow scene… wait, what crossing?Type: Widescreen, 1680×1050, Fullscreen, 1280×1024Credits: Licensed as Creative Commons Attribution Noncommercial. Based on this: