Steampunk Wallpaper

i say, is that a gear i see? jolly good, yo.

0-6-0 in Snow

| October 31, 2011

Not sure I ever actually posted this before, although it was built back in 2009. Based off of this: [link](by-nc as of 2011-10-30) Licensed as Creative Commons Attribution Noncommercial *EDIT* Made with Adobe Photoshop

Not dead! Massive set of guest wallpapers to tide you over.

| June 2, 2010

Hey all! No, I’m not dead, I’ve just been very, very busy. For one, I’ve been running a tabletop RPG for 10 people (ye gods, I must be mad) that has taken up a lot of my free time. Yes, of course there are airships in it. It’s a reality-bending modern game set in Oklahoma. […]

Guest Wallpaper – Snowmobile Trail by Kyle

| February 6, 2010

Title:Snowmobile Trail by KyleDescription: Kyle is back! YAY! Here’s a lovely subtly steampunky wallpaper you could get away with in a corporate invrio; Oh, look, a nice snow scene… wait, what crossing?Type: Widescreen, 1680×1050, Fullscreen, 1280×1024Credits: Licensed as Creative Commons Attribution Noncommercial. Based on this:

Boiler room, part 3

| October 16, 2009

Title: Boiler room, part 3Description: Exhaust steam from computation engine enters from the pipe on the left, and proceeds to the smokebox, whereby the pressure is directed in an upwards direction through the smokestack and out into the atmosphere with ample velocity.  This drafts the fire, in accordance with the air-less space vacuum state this […]

Boiler room, part 2 – Fullscreen and widescreen

| October 9, 2009

Title: Boiler room, part 2 Description: Well, I suppose the pipes probably go there…but where else? when previously available) at the time of writing) at the time of writing) at the time of writing) at the time of writing) at the time of writing) License: Creative Commons Attribution, Non-Commercial, […]

Fullscreen and widescreen: Boiler room, part 1

| October 2, 2009

Title: Boiler room, part 1Description: I wonder where that pipe goes? Based off of these: [link](by-nc as of 2009-06-21) [link](by as of 2011-10-27) [link](by-nc as of 2011-10-27) Licensed as Creative Commons Attribution Noncommercial *EDIT* Made with Adobe Photoshop

Guest Wallpaper: Myke Amend’s “Behold the Machine”

| March 13, 2009

Title: Behold the MachineDescription: From Myke “Wallpaper from the painting I did for the same-named Vernian Process CD.” From Mouse “:: whimper :: oh god, this is such a beautiful piece of art. The airship in the back makes me tremble. Thank you so much, Mike!”Type: Widescreen, 1680×1050Credits: Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 3.0 Unported, by Myke Amend.Myke also gave it to […]

Guest Wallpaper – Widescreen: Steam Golem

| January 23, 2009

A guest submission by Jeff Perryman of Toy Soldiers Unite.This is a character from a comic he is creating. Title: Steam GolemDescription: A Steampunk GolemType: Widescreen, 1680×1050Credits: Copyright to Jeff Perryman

9 days of Guest Wallpaper: Day Eight – Inside of Moleskine 2

| January 15, 2009

Title: Inside of Moleskine 2Type: Widescreen, 1680×1050Credits: Copyright Erik Freitas.

9 days of Guest Wallpaper: Day Six – Inside of Moleskine 1

| January 13, 2009

Title: Inside of Moleskine 1Type: Widescreen, 1680×1050Credits: Copyright Erik Freitas.

9 days of Guest Wallpaper: Day Four – Number Two

| January 11, 2009

(Oh, I didn’t imply that the 9 days of guest wallpaper would be in a row, did I? My bad. 😉 ) EDIT: Sorry about the bad link; looks like the coding error from yesterday carried over to ALL the posts I set up. I’ll be cleaning them up tonight. Title: Day Four – Number TwoDescription: Made me […]

9 days of Guest Wallpaper: Day Three – Q6, finished

| December 23, 2008

Yesterday’s dream a reality. Title:  Q6, finishedType: Widescreen, 1680×1050Credits: Copyright Erik Freitas.

9 days of Guest Wallpaper: Day Two- Sketch of Q6

| December 22, 2008

You know, even though it’s totally not fair that Eric can make these clocks AND DRAW LIKE THAT, I still don’t hate him. EDIT: changed Erik to Eric. 😀 Title: Sketch of Q6Type: Widescreen, 1680×1050Credits: Copyright Eric Freitas.

Widescreen: Bucolic

| December 1, 2008

Annnnd we’re back. Still working on the novel (no, i didn’t get to 50,000 words. 🙁 ) but I’m back doing wallpaper. May be a few hicups in posting (been a while) but I expect to get back on track. A few of you sent me wallpapers that I didn’t post during November; this is ALL my […]

Widescreen by request: Clockstreet Grunge Abstract

| October 28, 2008

Title: Clockstreet Grunge Abstract widescreenDescription: Widescreen version of the fullscreen version, by request. Yes, it’s slightly different: I didn’t want to distort it for obvious reasons, and the ‘black bar’ effect is so 1997.Type: Widescreen: 1680×1050Credits: Based off the picture by Alex Balan. Creative Commons licensed derivative.NOTE: Some people have pointed out that the roman numarals […]

Fullscreen: Clockstreet Grunge Abstract

| October 27, 2008

Title: Clockstreet Grunge AbstractDescription: I dunno. I’m battin about 3/5 with my last couple, but I’m still gearing up for NaNoWriMo, so I’m distracted.Type: Fullscreen, 1280×1024Credits: Based off the picture by Alex Balan. Creative Commons licensed derivative. NOTE: Some people have pointed out that the roman numerals on the clock are wrong, specifically the 4. I […]

Fullscreen: The Green Fairy’s Outhouse

| October 24, 2008

Title: The Green Fairy’s OuthouseDescription: In honor of my friends.Type: Fullscreen, 1280×1024Credits: Based off the picture by t3mplar. Creative Commons licensed derivative.

Widescreen: Grand Bazaar 2

| October 20, 2008

Title: Grand Bizaar 2Description: Another amazing photo by Curious Expeditions. Go show them some love, people!Type: Widescreen, 1680×1050Credits: Based off the picture by Curious Expeditions. Creative Commons licensed derivative.

Fullscreen: Pirates of the High Skies – The Traditionalist

| October 4, 2008

Title: Pirates of the High Skies – The TraditionalistDescription: No one knows his real name, as he insists his crew call him Captain. Among the Aerocorps, he’s referred to as The Traditionalist, mostly for his propensity for old technology. His sword, for instance, still used a motion driven capacitor to generate it’s charge. But his […]

Widescreen: Clothed in Steam

| October 2, 2008

Title: Clothed in SteamDescription: They found her in the morning, still steaming gently. She never was able to tell them where she came from, but she worked metal as if she was born to it.Type: Widescreen, 1680×1050Credits: Based of the picture by Marcus J. Ranum, and a background by sonyasonya. Creative Commons licensed derivative.