Boiler room, part 3

Title: Boiler room, part 3
Description: Exhaust steam from computation engine enters from the pipe on the left, and proceeds to the smokebox, whereby the pressure is directed in an upwards direction through the smokestack and out into the atmosphere with ample velocity. This drafts the fire, in accordance with the air-less space vacuum state this places on the inside of the smokebox, and helps eliminate problems with pigeons roosting on the top of the smokestack. And, for those of you who happen to be running Compiz-Fusion, here’s the other side of the cube-like visualization device.
Based off of these:
(by-nc as of 2009-06-21)
(by-nc as of 2011-10-27)
(by-nc as of 2011-10-27)
(by-nc as of 2011-10-27)
(by-nc as of 2011-10-27)
(by as of 2011-10-27)
(by as of 2011-10-27)
Licensed as Creative Commons Attribution Noncommercial
*EDIT* Made with Adobe Photoshop and The GIMP