Steampunk Wallpaper

i say, is that a gear i see? jolly good, yo.

We’re back!

| December 26, 2024

Like a phoenix, has risen from the ashes! Please be patient as we piece the site back together from archives and old files we had around. It’s been almost 14 years now since it went down! It’s actually rather amazing how much stuff we still had around after such a long time. Update: I […]

Steampunk Craft Meetup this weekend in Portland, OR

| April 8, 2010

My roommate, the ever-lovely costumer Scissorfiend and I are holding a steamy craft circle this weekend. Late notice, I know, but if anyone out there in PDX wants to come craft with us, (or just hang out in steamy-goodness and nibble finger sammiches) check the post for the email address.

Steam Heat T-shirt… Well, I was weak and bought one…

| February 11, 2010

and I thought I’d let you guys know it was here. It’s a ShirtWoot, but it’s on Reckoning (IE, time sensitive, but not as bad as the daily woot shirt). Check it out (if you are t-shirt inclined): Steam Heart Note: this isn’t a wallpaper, and I don’t own that image. I just wanted you guys to […]

Penguin Books likes us enough to violate our Creative Commons License! Whee!!

| January 27, 2010

So, I understand that book publishers leave all the promotion up to the authors, and I understand that authors, even best-selling ones, aren’t generally rich. But as far as I can tell, almost every image in this promotional video for Katie Macalister’s Steampunk romance Steamed is used without credit: My background is at :51, at least: Gears and wrought iron, […]

New feature: Top 100 Wallpaper list and Top 10 Wallpaper sidebar

| January 26, 2010

Hey, all! I’ve been scrubbing at the site a bit, and one thing people have requested is a way to view more wallpapers. Enter the Top 100 Wallpapers section of the website, and the sidebar showing the Top 10. The wallpapers are displayed by number of views since 1/25/10, so they will have a period of “shuffling” […]

Admin note: playing with the theme.

| January 9, 2010

As I said, the “travel” theme was a placeholder. I’m going to be messing with the theme today, so you might see some weirdness. 😀

Massive problems – did we kill the hampsters?

| December 10, 2009

As you’ve probably noticed, the site has been… problematic. I’m still working on it. 😀 New theme is temporary.  The 500 errors need to stop. }:(

Ha! Shot the bugs dead! – Hacking update.

| November 3, 2009

Hey, all! I found and killed all the bad code, locked down the site, and everything should be fine now. Google’s malware test says we’re clean. Thank you all for your patience. 😀, hacked?

| November 3, 2009

Hey, all. Something happened to the backend of the website, and we had some Unauthroized Code running as of this morning. I think I have caught it all, but if your system is flagging the site, that’s why. I’m trying to get Google to scan it to make sure I got it all. This has […]

Non-wallpaper note: Related wallpapers…

| October 6, 2009

Hey, all. Two things: First, I’ve added a “Related Wallpapers” section down at the bottom of the page.  Because of the way it displays, I may go back and rename the whole lot of wallpapers and put the format at the end (so, for instance, it’ll say “Lit Rust, Widescreen” instead of “Widescreen, Lit Rust”.) […]

Non-Wallpaper note: The great Outage of ’09

| September 16, 2009

Hello, all. Sorry about the last couple of days. The boiler went out in the webserver. Took the mechanics a while to install the new one. We should be back up and running fully now. Let us know if you’re seeing any weirdness. OK, fine, any UNUSUAL weirdness.

How can we improve?

| September 7, 2009

And with that last post, we have a new wallpaper. However, I’ve noticed that we’ve been somewhat hit-or-miss lately. So I had some questions for everyone that I’d like to hear opinions on: Basically, I would just like to know what you would like to see.  Thanks!

No, we’re not dead

| May 19, 2009

but we are on hiatus. I’m ramping up a large (for me) project, and I just haven’t had time to post. I promise that we will return.

Non-Wallpaper Note: Clockwork and Steam Dinosaurs on ShirtWoot

| April 10, 2009

Hey all. Usually I don’t shill for other companies, but I feel that it would be selfish for me NOT to promote this shirt: Note: THIS IS NOT A WALLPAPER! I don’t have license for this picture to be a wallpaper (or it totally would be.) Shirt is 10$, and only available today (Friday). EDIT: Shirt […]

Non-Wallpaper Note: website display issue?

| April 6, 2009

Hey, all. Kyle is reporting some weird behavior: the website seems to be ‘double’ on some computers. Please let me know if the website ‘starts over’ at the bottom of the page. If this is something a lot of people are seeing, then it might be the source of the persistent site slowness. If you […]

Non-wallpaper note: Top news: Website turns into ghost town!

| April 3, 2009

For the last (however many days are between the 23rd and now) days, as readers around the globe have visited the famous website, they have been shocked to find that there have been no updates.  We interviewed numerous people in our pursuit of the culprit behind this tragedy.  Kyle, a frequent viewer, had this to […]

Non-Wallpaper Note: Scalped!

| March 16, 2009

Oh, my stars and garters. We’ve been scalped! There’s someone out there called ‘Druidy’ who has scrapped a handful of wallpapers from the site and put them up on several websites, all of which have happily covered up our URL with their own, and then propagated across the web. “Steampunk Wallpapers (by Druidy)” Well, I […]

Non Wallpaper Note: Speed and Stats

| February 9, 2009

Hey, all. So, two things. My site stats have tanked. Badly. Clearly I’ve dissipointed the people who used to come visit the site; I went from approximatly 2,500 hits a day to less than a thousand, and just in the last two weeks. I’m endeavoring to get some more wallpapers out more often, like I […]

Non-Wallpaper note: RSS better?

| January 26, 2009

I think I fixed the RSS feed. 😀 If anyone’s having problems, let me know. And yes, I’m still working on that thing I teased you about last time; I’m taking my time with it because I don’t want it to suck. The idea is too cool to waste on suck. I also want to welcome […]

Non wallpaper note: New blood

| January 21, 2009

Greetings to all, Mousewrites, in her infinite wisdom and everlasting generosity, has deigned to hire me as an assistant to this wonderful endeavor. Aside from any menial tasks she may assign me, she has granted permission for me to post any wallpapers I happen to design. I can not pretend to have half of her […]