Non wallpaper note: New blood
Greetings to all,
Mousewrites, in her infinite wisdom and everlasting generosity, has deigned to hire me as an assistant to this wonderful endeavor. Aside from any menial tasks she may assign me, she has granted permission for me to post any wallpapers I happen to design. I can not pretend to have half of her skill but I shall do my best to live up to the quality of this site. I am not much of a graphic designer, but I am a passable photographer so most of what you will see from me are cropped photographs which fit, in some way, into the Steampunk theme.
Please feel free to browse through my deviantART page and if you see anything that you would like made into a wallpaper please do not hesitate to ask.
I hope this new year finds you all well and in good health.
鋼鉄 海軍