Steampunk Wallpaper

i say, is that a gear i see? jolly good, yo.

Non Wallpaper Note: Speed and Stats

Hey, all.

So, two things. My site stats have tanked. Badly. Clearly I’ve dissipointed the people who used to come visit the site; I went from approximatly 2,500 hits a day to less than a thousand, and just in the last two weeks. I’m endeavoring to get some more wallpapers out more often, like I used to. I did have a new person start helping me with the site, and the reception to his first photoshop attempt was… constructive, anyway, but seems to have left a bad taste in a lot of people’s mouths.

He’s helping me a lot, and honesty, his first photoshop was a lot better than mine. Mine was a cutout of a little girl on the moon, and I didn’t know you could select anything other than by using ‘shift’ and the magic wand… it took me about 5 hours to select her.

Of course, in my day (that should be read in an ‘old man’ voice), we didn’t have layers, and we walked uphill both ways to school wearing nothing but knickerbockers and onions on our belts.


The other thing I noticed is that the site was SLOOOOOOOW. SO slow. Slow to load, slow to change… backend was fine, so I knew it wasn’t my server. Turns out that there was a fragment of code left over from google anyalitics… once I pulled that, the load time dropped.

So. To sum up:

  • More Wallpapers
  • Faster load times

Comments are encouraged. Want to tell me off? Please do! Want to tell me exactly what I should be posting? I want that too. Feedback is what will make this site better.

About The Author


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