Steampunk Wallpaper

i say, is that a gear i see? jolly good, yo.

Widescreen: Decorated Airship

| August 30, 2008

Title: Decorated AirshipDescription: On her virgin flight, The Painted Lady carried on board no less than three bottles of Champane, 2 bottles of Brandy, and 16 bottles of some kind of moonshine Edgecrumb purchased from a street merchant in Vienna.Type: Widescreen, 1680×1050Credits: Based of the picture from the Bain Collection (Library of Congress) via Pingnews. Flames […]

Widescreen: First Day of School

| August 29, 2008

Title: First Day of SchoolDescription: It took a while before Sarah made it to school, but eventually they figured out a way for her to take her Special Machine with her…Type: Widescreen, 1680×1050Credits: Based off the picture by PingNews. [No Known Restrictions: Girls Leave Factory by Lewis W. Hine, 1910 (Library of Congress)] Creative Commons licensed […]

Fullscreen: High Flyin’

| August 28, 2008

Title: High Flyin’Description: Ah, those were the days. Of course, twenty minutes after this, the Pirates attacked, and McGee lost part of his mustache to an exploding autogyro. He was never the same after that….Type: Fullscreen, 1280×1024Credits: Based off the pictures below: Creative Commons licensed derivative.

Fullscreen: Enlist today!

| August 26, 2008

Description: Do you Tire of Being Confined to this Dismal Earth? Do you Envy the Birds their Careless Flight? There is Hope! Enlist in the Aerocorps Today! Penetrate the Very Firmament! See the Wonders of the Sky! You Will Fly, Guaranteed.* *Landings not Guaranteed. Type: Fullscreen, 1280×1024Credits: Based off the picture by Dogseat of the World Moustache […]

Fullscreen: Impulse

| August 20, 2008

Title: ImpulseDescription: I’m in a weird mood tonight. This is the same kind of mood that produce Disasters can be Beautiful, though, and people seem to like that one. I’ll just post it an hope I don’t get stoned off the internet. Oh, wait, am I typing or thinking this?Type: Fullscreen, 1280×1024Credits: Based off the picture […]

Fullscreen: Disasters can be beautiful

| August 16, 2008

Title: Disasters can be beautifulDescription: Even the failure of the most brutal plan can be beautiful… especially if you’re not the one on fire. Mostly an abstract. I fell in love with the colors while I was trying to do something else with it, and decided to post this version instead.Type: Fullscreen, 1280×1024Credits: Based off […]

Widescreen: Let there be SCIENCE!

| August 14, 2008

Title: Let there be SCIENCE!Description: Inspired by Dr. Horrible, and Dr. Steel, my two favorite labcoated men. Not strictly steampunk, I know, but… well, I had to. I blame SCIENCE!Type: Widescreen, 1680×1050Credits: Based off the picture by Impulse Stock. Creative Commons licensed derivative.

Guest Wallpaper: Vernian Process

| August 13, 2008

Title: Vernian Process wallpaperDescription: The very awesome band Vernian Process offered to share this very awesome wallpaper with us. Go check out their music; I think it’s particularly nifty.Type: Widescreen, 1440×900Credits: Copyright to Vernian Process

Fullscreen: Letter from Abigail

| August 10, 2008

Title:Letter from Abigail Description: Dearest Grandfather, Lyra received your generous gift, and adores it. We, however, have no idea what it is, and Lyra will not explain it. Also, it seems to have changed the cat into some kind of hidious mechanical contraption. Could you possibly inform us of what exactly you have given your […]

Widescreen: Make the trains run on time

| August 3, 2008

Title: Make the trains run on time.Description: Hm. We’ll be late if we stop here. I should have checked the mainspring before we left Prague…Type: Widescreen, 1680×1050Credits: Based of the pictures by Wili Hybrid and Falln-Stock. Creative Commons licensed derivative.

Fullscreen: The Secretary

| July 29, 2008

Title: The SecretaryDescription: Whew. Lots of hand work in this one, and a lot of sources. I’m going to go to sleep before my hands drop off!Type: Fullscreen, 1280×1024Credits: Based off the following pictures: Creative Commons licensed derivative. So. Tired.

Widescreen: Forgotten Photograph

| July 16, 2008

Title: Forgotten PhotographDescription: I think this is my great, great, great grandfather, holding the cross-axle of the machine he invented. I found it in the bottom of a steamer trunk.Type: Widescreen, 1680×1050Credits: Based of the picture by an unknown artist. Library of Congress image found again though Pingnews. No known restrictions on publication for the base picture, but elements in […]

Widescreen: Mary’s first invention

| July 15, 2008

Title: Mary’s first inventionDescription: We were so proud of Mary the first time she fired up that thing. Of course, that was before it set fire to her little sister, and then went on to disintegrate the town… Mary was such a sweet girl, I’m not sure why we didn’t notice her mad…Type: Widescreen, 1680×1050Credits: […]

Fullscreen: Map to a Factory long gone

| July 4, 2008

Title: Map to a Factory long goneDescription: Paper with a factory and a strangerType: Fullscreen, 1280×1024Credits: Base picture by sonyasonya. Creative Commons licensed derivative.

Widescreen: Nice Threads

| July 4, 2008

Title: Nice ThreadsDescription: Thread spools, old sewing machine, and faint shadows of yesteryear’s fashion sense.Type: Widescreen, 1680×1050Credits: Base pictures by Gabisa Motonia, wiseacre, and Sunspark58.Creative Commons licensed derivative.