Steampunk Wallpaper

i say, is that a gear i see? jolly good, yo.

Not dead! Massive set of guest wallpapers to tide you over.

Hey all!

No, I’m not dead, I’ve just been very, very busy. For one, I’ve been running a tabletop RPG for 10 people (ye gods, I must be mad) that has taken up a lot of my free time. Yes, of course there are airships in it. It’s a reality-bending modern game set in Oklahoma. You can find the website for it here if you want to poke about. The website isn’t Steampunk, but some of the puzzles hidden on it are.

I hope to be back to making wallpapers soon! In the meantime, here’s a fairly large set of guest wallpapers that have been building up over the last two months.

NOTE: if you submitted one of these, and you have additional info about them, please let me know! I didn’t get a lot of info with all of them. :D

First up, five wallpapers from

All are 1920×1080, but they’ve got other versions at the link above.

Second, a bit of propaganda from the webcomic Clockworks. Start at the beginning here if you want the whole story.

Third, a piece called Fumo Fenestra (Steam Windows in Latin) from 3d artist X at BattleaxeGFX. X, I didn’t get a name for you, so let me know who the heck you are! 


EDIT: X is artist rattle! Thanks for the awesome wallpaper, rattle!

User Stramp has some lovely sub papers at WinCustomize. In fact, there’s a whole subset at WinCustomize for Steampunk, including widgets and icons as well as wallpapers.

And last but not least is this piece from It was submitted, but I didn’t get any artist’s info out of it, sadly.

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