Billion Global Index

Billion Global Index
Scores of Results
Submit your queries to us, and we will endeavor to fulfill them with the most efficient and pertinent data available. The newly developed series of tubes for communication allows for quick responses, sometimes yielding 100 possible results in a timeframe of only a very few minutes. Just yell down your local Billion Voice Query speaking tube, and we respond in a timely manner. Pictured above is our indexing room, where your queries are sent and answers retrieved. We crawl the world and index all information we can find into our neatly-organized drawers based on what we call “key words”. We currently have over 1,000,000,000 possible “key words” that we use to search. As we acquire more information, we may change our name to reflect the higher number.
We’re currently working on an upgraded version of this system – a steam-powered engine for searching – which will eliminate the need for human locators and hopefully speed up the usage of the series of tubes. However, this is quite an undertaking, and will probably not be complete for a few years.
Artist’s note: I struggled a bit with fitting in a number of references in a manner where they would be at least somewhat perceptible. It’s still a mite subtle, however if you examine it closely enough, you may be able to spot a number of humorous references regarding another very popular query system. It’s primarily based around one joke – if you “get it”, please inform me in the comments so I may gauge how subtle to make future ones. If not, I will elaborate further at a future date.
Based off of these:
(by as of 2011-11-20)
(by as of 2011-11-20)
(by as of 2011-11-20)
(by as of 2011-11-20)
(by as of 2011-11-20)
(by as of 2011-11-20)
(by as of 2011-11-20)
Licensed as Creative Commons Attribution
*EDIT* Made with The GIMP