Steampunk Wallpaper

i say, is that a gear i see? jolly good, yo.

Non wallpaper note: Did I break RSS?

| January 17, 2009

id you view this through RSS? If so, did you subscribe in the last month? I tried to fix something on the RSS, and I broke it in my reading app. Did I break it in yours? :: facepalm::

Non wallpaper note: What the hell’s going on?

| January 10, 2009

Hey, all. No, the site is NOT abandoned. The holidays (and, clearly, the months around them) were very stressful this year, and so it’s taken me a while to get back in ‘fighting form.’ Still not all the way back. So, instead of promising (and failing) to do one a day, I’m going to 3 […]

Non Wallpaper Note: News and Updates!

| October 19, 2008

News Next month is NaNoWriMo, the National Novel Writing Month, in which I, and about 100,000 other people attempt to crank out 50,000 words in one month. This takes up a HUGE part of my time, but it’s something that is very, very good for me. What this means is that I won’t have time for […]

Non-wallpaper note: power outage

| September 8, 2008

I think that the rampaging clanks outside my apartment hacked into the grid, because we heard a kaZORCH and the power went out. I’m huddled in a corner, peddling my generator franticly and using the resultant watts to flash a signal light to my compatriot on the next hill over. They tell me it will be fixed […]

Non Wallpaper Note: A distress beacon – request for submissions

| August 27, 2008

Hello, all. Due to a pressing family emergency, I won’t be able to finish my wallpaper tonight (another propaganda poster for the Aerocorps. They amuse me to no end). I refused to miss a day, however! If any of you have a wallpaper you’d like featured on the site, please comment in this post! I […]

Non-Wallpaper note: RSS feed, or what?

| August 26, 2008

Hey, all. So, I’m trying to make this site as friendly as possible (access wise) and wondered how many of you are reading this through an RSS reader. I don’t want to make the ruling that most people are using Firefox 2.0 (for instance) when a whole batallion of you are using Safari though an […]

Non-wallpaper note: Posting weirdness

| August 24, 2008

Well, today’s wallpaper is ready, but something’s hinky with my posting thing. I’m going to wait an hour or so to see if the post shows up. If not, I’ll post it again. Sorry about that.

Non Wallpaper note: AMAZING Steampunk clockmaker

| August 18, 2008

Check out his website: Eric Fretias, clock artist. Not a wallpaper, but by Tesla’s Coil check out these clocks. They’re amazing, and I want one so badly I can taste the copper in my mouth. It’s probable that I just bit my lip, but it could be that I’m fantisysing about licking one of these beauties. … I […]

Non-wallpaper note: Rating System!

| August 4, 2008

Hey, all. I finally got a ratings system going on the site.  Anyone can rate, and all of the wallpapers going back to the beginning of the site are available for rating. Rate away!


| July 25, 2008

Actually, this is just a test to see if the ‘post this at x time’ feature works. Disregard it entirely. 😀

Note: About this weekend.

| July 25, 2008

Hey, all. I’m working on something a bit more labor intensive than my normal wallpapers, which is why the last few have been so plain. Hopefully it will be done on Sunday, and I can let my poor processor rest a bit. There, was that tantalizing? Also, we’ve experienced a huge (and I do mean […]

ADMIN: Theme Test for the next few hours.

| July 22, 2008

Hey, all. Working on some things with the theme, so there may be a few hicups over the next few hours. Thanks for your patience! M

Note: Updgrades and an aspect question

| July 18, 2008

Hey, all. First of all, I upgraded to WordPress 2.6. Let me know if you have any issues with it. Second: I’m adding 16:9 and 4:3 to the tags to make things easier to find. Third, you may have noticed that all the wallpapers this week are 16:9. I had a bunch of requests for […]

Widescreen: Blotter with letter

| July 13, 2008

Title: Blotter with LetterDescription: Oh, what’s this letter?Type: Widescreen, 1680×1050 (thanks to Cthulhu for pointing my labeling mistake out. ia ia!)Credits: Most of it hand made in photoshop. Creative Commons licensed derivative. Some letters from rainspring’s brushes. Drawings are, of course, from mr. de Vinci.

Non Wallpaper note

| July 13, 2008

Hey, all. I saw Hellboy II, the Golden Army tonight. If you haven’t seen it, go. Even if you hate the characters, there’s some wonderful world design there, including more gears and steam and industrialized romantisism than I could ever create. It may not be steampunk (perhaps fairypunk?) but it’s beautiful. I wrote up a […]

Steampunk Wallpaper a Day

| July 9, 2008

All summer I’m going to post at least one wallpaper a day. Some will be tileable, some fullscreen. I’ll do widescreen and normal, and usually at least 1280×1024 for the fullscreen ones. I’m going to import all the ones I started back at Geekery Abounds, just so that there’s a good starting point.

An explanation

| July 9, 2008

I started this site because my personal blog Geekery Abounds was getting so many hits on the Steampunk Wallpaper page that I realized that there wasn’t a good repository of Steampunky wallpapers out there. For now, just my wallpaper will be up here, but if you’d like to put some up, let me know in a comment!