Non Wallpaper Note: News and Updates!
Next month is NaNoWriMo, the National Novel Writing Month, in which I, and about 100,000 other people attempt to crank out 50,000 words in one month. This takes up a HUGE part of my time, but it’s something that is very, very good for me.
What this means is that I won’t have time for a daily wallpaper next month. Instead, I’ll be putting up guest wallpapers, profileing other artists, and featuring websites. Some are going to be steampunk, some graphic design.
Call for Submissions! Use the new “Submit A Wallpaper/Link/Comment” form, found at the top of the page. I get approximatly 2,000 hits a day, so it’s a way to get some likeminded people, submit your website or design.
- 10-18-08
- Added a Submit A Wallpaper/Link/Comment link.
- Added a “Share This” tag for every post. I will reskin the button later.
- Multiple services are available in the share this box. Let me know what you all think. I chose this one because it’s not as intrusive as some others, but still easy to get to.
- Changed the header to accommodate the new links.