Fullscreen: Train
No Zomblies tonight; too tired. Star (who is awesome, btw. Makes all sorts of cool steampunkery. I covet her raygun. ) gave me the PSD though, so… ::thumbs up::

Title: Train
Description: Nothing manipulated here, other than a faint edge shadow for edge-happiness sake. I just love this picture, and wanted to share it with you all. I know it’s a little bit noisy, a tiny bit blurry, but… look at that steam billowing up into that softly shaded plume of color. :: Happy sigh:: Note that I’ve not stuck a ‘steampunkwallpaper.com’ label on it. I’m not trying to pass this off as something I’ve done. I be sleepy, and thought you’d like it. :: dozes off in front of her computer::
Type: Fullscreen, 1280×1024
Credits: Picture by eckenheimer (who has some great, if blurry, stuff. Perhaps we should buy them a tripod?). Creative Commons licensed.