Guest Wallpaper: Widescreen, Race the Turkey!
Today marks the last of the daily wallpapers until December, as I’ll be working on my Steampunk NaNoWriMo project. 50,000 words, baBEY. Here I come. I’ll be tracking progress (and by that I mean you can watch me go insane) at my personal journal: Geekery Abounds. (and yes, I know I haven’t posted much there. This website took all my time. )
Look for periodic updates in November, including guest wallpapers, links, and some Special Things I’ve Got Up My Sleeve For You People.
Remember, if you want to contribute, you can use the Submit a Wallpaper link up top. I have a few beauties people have contribuited over the last two weeks to throw at you in November.
Fellow NaNoer’s, good luck! Everyone else… Here we go!
Title: Race the Turkey!
Description: This is an awesome modification of Left Watch that adds in the NaNoWriMo goal calendar to the blotter. The neat person behind Single Stitch Studios took advantage of the Creative Commons license and modified it, and I did too (I made it slightly bigger than her version, which was 1024×640.)
Type: Widescreen, 1680×1050
Credits: Based off the picture by Amanda Potter. Creative Commons licensed derivative.