Steampunk Wallpaper

i say, is that a gear i see? jolly good, yo.

Nanowrimo Wallpaper 2 – Widescreen and Fullscreen

Posted by Mousewrites on October 31, 2009

Title:Nanowrimo Wallpaper 2
Description:More wallpaper for Nanowrimo. The daily numbers are the wordcount goal. Nanawrimo is National Novel Writing Month! One day till the madness takes us!
Type: Widescreen, 1680×1050, Fullscreen, 1280×1024
Credits: mostly straight PS work, with some textures overlayed from Lost and Taken. Again.

Nanowrimo Wallpaper 1 – Widescreen and Fullscreen

Posted by Mousewrites on October 24, 2009

Title: Nanowrimo Wallpaper 1
Description: A somber, brown wallpaper for Nanowrimo. The daily numbers are the wordcount goal. Nanawrimo is National Novel Writing Month, where a bunch of us go insane and each write a 50,000 word novel in a month. Sound like fun? Join us! (pretend that last part isn’t spoken like I’m a zombie, will you?)
Type: Widescreen, 1680×1050, Fullscreen, 1280×1024
Credits: mostly straight PS work, with some textures overlayed from Lost and Taken (I think.)

Featured Artist: Ursula Vernon

Posted by Mousewrites on October 21, 2009

I first ran into Ursala Vernon’s work through the appearance of a biting pear when I joined a new tabletop RPG group. The creature attacked one of the longtime players, and everybody started cracking up. I, of course, didn’t get the joke… until somebody pointed me at her DA page. And I fell in love.

She does what she calls Gearworld, a rich and bizarre land full of amazing sites, and half-glimpsed history.

I’ve showcased some of my favorites here.  They’re not big enough to be wallpapers, but she does have some available for print on DA. Check her out; she’s phenominal.

Note that I didn’t hotlink to her images, though you can get a slightly bigger one by  clicking on the thumbnails here. For the full image/print, check out her DA gallery.

PS: also read Digger, her webcomic. Just sayin’.

Steamtrain, leaving the station – widescreen and fullscreen

Posted by Mousewrites on October 17, 2009

Title: Steamtrain, leaving the station
Description: Minor manipulations and tone/color washing, but the train and steam are genuine. I fell in love with this picture when I came across it on Flickr.
Type: Widescreen, 1680×1050, Fullscreen, 1280×1024
Credits: Creative Commons Licensed derivative of infomatique‘s beautiful picture “Steam Train – Leaving Connolly Station”

Boiler room, part 3

Posted by Kyle on October 16, 2009

Title: Boiler room, part 3
Description: Exhaust steam from computation engine enters from the pipe on the left, and proceeds to the smokebox, whereby the pressure is directed in an upwards direction through the smokestack and out into the atmosphere with ample velocity.  This drafts the fire, in accordance with the air-less space vacuum state this places on the inside of the smokebox, and helps eliminate problems with pigeons roosting on the top of the smokestack.  And, for those of you who happen to be running Compiz-Fusion, here’s the other side of the cube-like visualization device.

Based off of these:

(by-nc as of 2009-06-21)

(by-nc as of 2011-10-27)

(by-nc as of 2011-10-27)

(by-nc as of 2011-10-27)

(by-nc as of 2011-10-27)

(by as of 2011-10-27)

(by as of 2011-10-27)

Licensed as Creative Commons Attribution Noncommercial

*EDIT* Made with Adobe Photoshop and The GIMP

Spelunk! – Widescreen

Posted by Mousewrites on October 11, 2009

Title: Spelunk!
Description: Made to be a low contrast “movie poster” wallpaper, so that icons show up well.
Type: Widescreen, 1680×1050
Credits: Based off the picture by magikstock. She has neat stuff.

Boiler room, part 2 – Fullscreen and widescreen

Posted by Kyle on October 9, 2009

Title: Boiler room, part 2

Description: Well, I suppose the pipes probably go there…but where else?
(by-nc when previously available)
(by-nc at the time of writing)
(by-nc-sa at the time of writing)
(by-nc at the time of writing)
(by-sa at the time of writing)
(by-nc at the time of writing)

License: Creative Commons Attribution, Non-Commercial, Share-alike

Non-wallpaper note: Related wallpapers…

Posted by Mousewrites on October 6, 2009

Hey, all.

Two things: First, I’ve added a “Related Wallpapers” section down at the bottom of the page.  Because of the way it displays, I may go back and rename the whole lot of wallpapers and put the format at the end (so, for instance, it’ll say “Lit Rust, Widescreen” instead of “Widescreen, Lit Rust”.) This should help make the naming clearer.

Second, if you have any improvements you’d like to see TO THE SITE (rather than the wallpapers), please let me know. I’m trying to make the site as useful and fast as possible.


Fullscreen and widescreen: Boiler room, part 1

Posted by Kyle on October 2, 2009

Title: Boiler room, part 1
Description: I wonder where that pipe goes?

Based off of these:

(by-nc as of 2009-06-21)

(by as of 2011-10-27)

(by-nc as of 2011-10-27)

Licensed as Creative Commons Attribution Noncommercial

*EDIT* Made with Adobe Photoshop

Widescreen and fullscreen- Tophat

Posted by Mousewrites on September 27, 2009

Title: Tophat
Description: A chapeau for those with discriminating tastes…
Type: Widescreen, 1680×1050, Fullscreen, 1280×1024
Credits: Textures from Lost and Taken. Tophat source from rattified.

Fullscreen and widescreen: The Docks

Posted by Kyle on September 25, 2009

Title: The Docks

Description: Better calibrate your monitors for this one – it’s pretty dark.

Based off of these:

(by-nc as of 2011-10-30)

(by-nc-sa as of 2011-10-30)

(by-nc as of 2011-10-30)

Licensed as Creative Commons Attribution Noncommercial Share-Alike

*EDIT* Made with Adobe Photoshop

Fullscreen and widescreen: Walls2

Posted by Mousewrites on September 23, 2009

Title: Walls2
Description: Exciting name, isn’t it?
Type: Widescreen, 1680×1050, Fullscreen, 1280×1024
Credits: Textures from Lost and Taken as well as Grunge and Filter Forge.

Fullscreen, Widescreen, and Dual-screen: Catch

Posted by Kyle on September 19, 2009

Title: Catch
Description: Ahoy, lads and lasses!  Here be a holiday wallpaper for ‘ye.  Think ye be fast enough to catch me present?

(Originally posted September 19, 2009 – Talk Like a Pirate Day. Not in chronological order like the rest up to this point have been. Revised later to include another size.)

Based off of these:

(by-nc-sa as of 2011-10-30)

(by-nc-sa as of 2011-10-30)

(by-nc-sa as of 2011-10-30)

(by-nc as of 2011-10-30)

(by-nc-sa as of 2011-10-30)

(by-nc as of 2011-10-30)

Licensed as Creative Commons Attribution Noncommercial Share-Alike

*EDIT* Made with Adobe Photoshop

Fullscreen, Widescreen, and Dual-screen: Under Pressure

Posted by Kyle on September 17, 2009

Title: Under Pressure

Description: Light retouching.

Credits: Photo by Les Chatfield

License: Creative Commons Attribution

Non-Wallpaper note: The great Outage of ’09

Posted by Mousewrites on September 16, 2009

Hello, all.

Sorry about the last couple of days. The boiler went out in the webserver. Took the mechanics a while to install the new one.

We should be back up and running fully now. Let us know if you’re seeing any weirdness.

OK, fine, any UNUSUAL weirdness.

Dual monitors – Lit rust

Posted by Mousewrites on September 14, 2009

Title: Lit rust
Description: Got inspired by the iPhone rust one I posted on Saturday to make this one.
Type: dual, 1280×2560
Credits: Rust from Grunge and a cool new site I just found, Lost and Taken

iPhone- Simple Rust2

Posted by Mousewrites on September 12, 2009

I promise to post a little more often. 😀 (Everybody thank kyle for poking me with a copper pipe until I started posting again.)

Thank you for all your comments about what you want to see with the site. We heard you. This one is a simple iphone sized paper. I wanted something that icons would show up against. There will be more papers, more COLOR, more detail, more dual (and larger) wallpaper, among other things.

Thank you all for your patience,


Title: Simple Rust2
Description: Someone wanted an iPhone wallpaper. This one is very, VERY simple
Type: iPhone, 320 x 480
Credits: Grunge textures and my own brushwork.

Fullscreen and Widescreen: The Best Manfg. Co.

Posted by Kyle on September 7, 2009

Title: The Best Manfg. Co.

Description: Gotta love the old abbreviations!  Minimal cropping and resizing from the original.

Notes: Please leave comments to let us know what you like/dislike about this.

Type: Fullscreen, 1280×1024, Widescreen, 1680×1050

Excellent photo by Gregory P. Smith

License: Creative Commons Attribution Non-commercial Share-alike

How can we improve?

Posted by Kyle on

And with that last post, we have a new wallpaper. However, I’ve noticed that we’ve been somewhat hit-or-miss lately. So I had some questions for everyone that I’d like to hear opinions on:

  1. Do you like backgrounds that have a lot of detail, or do you like less detail so your icons stand out more?
  2. Color or B&W?
  3. What kind of a feel of you like more: fantasy-based, realistic, dystopian, or something else?
  4. Transportation, technology, people, architecture, or impractical inventions?
  5. What operating system are you using?  Mac, Windows, Linux, or something else?
  6. What else could we do to improve things?

Basically, I would just like to know what you would like to see.  Thanks!

Fullscreen and Widescreen: Hot Water Balloon

Posted by Kyle on August 9, 2009

Title: Hot Water Balloon

Description: Steam is lighter than air, isn’t it?
(by-sa at the time of writing)
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(by-nc at the time of writing)
(by at the time of writing)
(by at the time of writing)