Steampunk Wallpaper

i say, is that a gear i see? jolly good, yo.

Widescreen: Steamglass Window

Posted by Mousewrites on February 3, 2009

Title: Steamglass Window
Description: This… is not the wallpaper I started out to make. I had dreams, you see, dreams of empty cathedral windows, brimming with steam, colors projected upon it’s vaporous goodness. Steamglass windows, the perfect adornment for a factory cathedral. But no, it was not meant to be. My brain, my mouse wandered. I have this, instead. A gear-window… or perhaps a demented gear-eyed muppet. I’m not sure. In any case, sorry about the long wait. The teaser is still in progress; I’m waiting for my new pen. It’s just too hard to paint tenticle-actuators by hand, people!
Type: Widescreen, 1680×1050
Credits: Based off the picture by reway2007. Creative Commons licensed derivative.

Guest Wallpaper: Widescreen – The Last Battle by Koutetsu Kaigun

Posted by Mousewrites on January 30, 2009

Title: The Last Battle
Description: My first attempt at Photoshop editing. This is meant to look like a sketch drawn in during the early stages of an invasion.
Type: Widescreen, 1680×1050
Credits: My (Koutetsu Kaigun) own picture of an artillery demonstration at the Catillo de San Marcos from my deviantART page and a Breguet biplane from the Library of Congress Flickr page.

Non-Wallpaper note: RSS better?

Posted by Mousewrites on January 26, 2009

I think I fixed the RSS feed. 😀

If anyone’s having problems, let me know. And yes, I’m still working on that thing I teased you about last time; I’m taking my time with it because I don’t want it to suck. The idea is too cool to waste on suck.

I also want to welcome Koutetsu Kaigun; he’s been an awesome addition to the site, and it made me sqeeeee with joy that content went up without me dragging my pasty white flesh to the computer to do it.

Guest Wallpaper – Widescreen: Steam Golem

Posted by Mousewrites on January 23, 2009

A guest submission by Jeff Perryman of Toy Soldiers Unite.
This is a character from a comic he is creating.

Title: Steam Golem
Description: A Steampunk Golem
Type: Widescreen, 1680×1050
Credits: Copyright to Jeff Perryman

Widescreen: Engine #301

Posted by Mousewrites on January 22, 2009

Title: Engine #301
Artist: Koutetsu Kaigun
Description: An old engine of the Gainesville Midland line.
Type: Widescreen, 1680×1050
Credits: Original work. Creative Commons licensed derivative.

Non wallpaper note: New blood

Posted by Mousewrites on January 21, 2009

Greetings to all,

Mousewrites, in her infinite wisdom and everlasting generosity, has deigned to hire me as an assistant to this wonderful endeavor. Aside from any menial tasks she may assign me, she has granted permission for me to post any wallpapers I happen to design. I can not pretend to have half of her skill but I shall do my best to live up to the quality of this site. I am not much of a graphic designer, but I am a passable photographer so most of what you will see from me are cropped photographs which fit, in some way, into the Steampunk theme.

Please feel free to browse through my deviantART page and if you see anything that you would like made into a wallpaper please do not hesitate to ask.

I hope this new year finds you all well and in good health.


鋼鉄 海軍

Teaser post: guess what?

Posted by Mousewrites on January 19, 2009


Because I’m only doing a few a week rather than one a day, i’m taking more time with this one. I’ve been wanting to do this one for a while, but Mechalith named it for me on Sunday, and thus it is born…

That’s just a work in progress pic, there. I reserve the right to totally change things.

Non wallpaper note: Did I break RSS?

Posted by Mousewrites on January 17, 2009

id you view this through RSS? If so, did you subscribe in the last month?

  •  No, I am viewing the website.
  •  Yes, but I subscribed in the last month.
  •  Yes, and I subbscribed long ago, you crazy person.

I tried to fix something on the RSS, and I broke it in my reading app. Did I break it in yours?

:: facepalm::

9 days of Guest Wallpaper: Day Nine – Number 5, full

Posted by Mousewrites on January 16, 2009

Title: Number 5, full
Type: Widescreen, 1680×1050
Credits: Copyright Erik Freitas.

9 days of Guest Wallpaper: Day Eight – Inside of Moleskine 2

Posted by Mousewrites on January 15, 2009

Title: Inside of Moleskine 2
Type: Widescreen, 1680×1050
Credits: Copyright Erik Freitas.

9 days of Guest Wallpaper: Day Seven – Number 5

Posted by Mousewrites on January 14, 2009

Title: Number 5
Type: Widescreen, 1680×1050
Credits: Copyright Erik Freitas.

9 days of Guest Wallpaper: Day Six – Inside of Moleskine 1

Posted by Mousewrites on January 13, 2009

Title: Inside of Moleskine 1
Type: Widescreen, 1680×1050
Credits: Copyright Erik Freitas.

9 days of Guest Wallpaper: Day Five- Moleskine

Posted by Mousewrites on January 12, 2009

EDIT: Something is seriously screwy with my image uploader (I upgraded to the latest WordPress, and now it’s all weird). I won’t be able to fix the Full version of this until I get home. Sorry about that!

Title: Moleskine
Description: A bit dark, but I like the concept a lot.
Type: Widescreen, 1680×1050
Credits: Copyright Erik Freitas.

9 days of Guest Wallpaper: Day Four – Number Two

Posted by Mousewrites on January 11, 2009

(Oh, I didn’t imply that the 9 days of guest wallpaper would be in a row, did I? My bad. 😉 )

EDIT: Sorry about the bad link; looks like the coding error from yesterday carried over to ALL the posts I set up. I’ll be cleaning them up tonight.

Title: Day Four – Number Two
Description: Made me rearrange my icons, but MAN it was worth it!
Type: Widescreen, 1680×1050
Credits: Copyright Erik Freitas.

Widescreen: Really blank blotter

Posted by Mousewrites on January 10, 2009

Title: Really blank blotter
Description: Ok, so, it took me a while. 😀

Type: Widescreen, 1680×1050
Credits: Original work. Creative Commons licensed derivative.

Non wallpaper note: What the hell’s going on?

Posted by Mousewrites on

Hey, all.

No, the site is NOT abandoned. The holidays (and, clearly, the months around them) were very stressful this year, and so it’s taken me a while to get back in ‘fighting form.’ Still not all the way back.

So, instead of promising (and failing) to do one a day, I’m going to 3 a week. I’m still going to do 365; it’ll just take longer. Plus, as some of you have commented, the slower schedule will mean I have more time to make BETTER wallpapers, not just ‘omgmustgetonedone’.

Not that panic hasn’t produced some nice papers (imho). But maybe I’ll have time to paint that Great Brass Hunter picture I’ve always wanted to do. Which reminds me; I need to buy a new tablet pen. :: makes note::

I’m also looking for someone who would be willing to help out on the site. Duties would include; finding great wallpaper we can link to, creating and maintaining a Steampunk blogroll, and occasionally writing an update post. If they are an artist themselves, they can (and will be encouraged to) post their own wallpaper as well. If that sounds interesting to you, use the comment form to email me. 😀 (there may be other perks as well. 😉 )

Anyway, i’m going to stop rambling and queue up a bunch of papers I’ve had on hold. At least the next couple of days should be good.

9 days of Guest Wallpaper: Day Three – Q6, finished

Posted by Mousewrites on December 23, 2008

Yesterday’s dream a reality.

Title:  Q6, finished
Type: Widescreen, 1680×1050
Credits: Copyright Erik Freitas.

9 days of Guest Wallpaper: Day Two- Sketch of Q6

Posted by Mousewrites on December 22, 2008

You know, even though it’s totally not fair that Eric can make these clocks AND DRAW LIKE THAT, I still don’t hate him.

EDIT: changed Erik to Eric. 😀

Title: Sketch of Q6
Type: Widescreen, 1680×1050
Credits: Copyright Eric Freitas.

9 days of Guest Wallpaper: Day One – Dials

Posted by Mousewrites on December 21, 2008

Recently I was gifted with 9 amazing images of Eric Freitas’s amazing work by Eric himself. It’s like Santa showing up and saying ‘Here, drive the sled for a while. I’mma go get a mocha.’

For the next 9 days I’ll be posting a wallpaper by Eric, showcasing his beautiful work. I’ve done NOTHING to them, because, honestly, anything I’d do would make them less than they are now. Check out Eric’s site; you can actually own some of these lovely objects.

Title: Dials
Type: Widescreen, 1680×1050
Credits: Copyright Eric Freitas.

EDIT: changed Erik to Eric. 😀

Guest Wallpaper: Steampunk Desk Old Books

Posted by Mousewrites on December 2, 2008

Title: Steampunk Desk Old Books
Description: Pretty, pretty stuff. Inception8 offers up a whole slew of wallpapers in their Deviant Art account.
Type: Widescreen, 1680×1050
Credits: Guess wallpaper by inception8.  Copyright inception8, unless they say differently.