Steampunk Wallpaper

i say, is that a gear i see? jolly good, yo.

Industrial – Patina wall – Widescreen and Fullscreen

| February 13, 2010

Title: Industrial – Patina wallDescription:Type: Widescreen, 1680×1050, Fullscreen, 1280×1024Credits:  Base texture from a filter from Filterforge

Guest Wallpaper – Snowmobile Trail by Kyle

| February 6, 2010

Title:Snowmobile Trail by KyleDescription: Kyle is back! YAY! Here’s a lovely subtly steampunky wallpaper you could get away with in a corporate invrio; Oh, look, a nice snow scene… wait, what crossing?Type: Widescreen, 1680×1050, Fullscreen, 1280×1024Credits: Licensed as Creative Commons Attribution Noncommercial. Based on this:

Industrial – metal wall with poster – Widescreen and fullscreen

| January 24, 2010

Title:Industrial – metal wall with posterDescription: More industrial stuff. Found the poster on the web, and then again at the Arizona Gold Rush page. I am 99% sure it’s genuine… of course, the 1% is gonna bite my ass, you watch.Type: Widescreen, 1680×1050, Fullscreen, 1280×1024Credits: Base texture from a filter from Filterforge, but I dinked with it […]

Industrial – Metal Plate, widescreen and fullscreen

| January 18, 2010

Title:Industrial – Metal PlateDescription: I’ve been asked for some more grunge/industrial wallpapers, so i’ll be going slightly off-topic for a few posts. This one is a rusted to hell diamond-plate, with some mood lighting.Type: Widescreen, 1680×1050, Fullscreen, 1280×1024Credits: Base texture from a filter made by Crapadilla, with Filterforge.

Simple Walls, 1 – wide and full + note

| December 12, 2009

Hey, all. Thank you for your patience as we work through things. Theme is still odd; we’re working on it. At least it’s not erroring out now, yes? I give you a simple wallpaper in penance; my desktop is so full of icons from hunting down the bugs that I needed something non-distracting. Enjoy! Title:Simple […]

Guest Wallpaper: Steam Punk Wallpaper by Rob Kleeman

| November 16, 2009

Title: Steam Punk Wallpaper by Rob KleemanDescription: Rob was kind enough to let us post this. Isn’t it awesome? I love the watercolor look, as if some inventor was scribling on his blotter and grabbed a brush to quickly rough in his designs. Nice job, Rob!Type: Widescreen, 1680×1050Credits: Created by Rob Kleemen, licensed under Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-Share […]

Nanowrimo Wallpaper 2 – Widescreen and Fullscreen

| October 31, 2009

Title:Nanowrimo Wallpaper 2Description:More wallpaper for Nanowrimo. The daily numbers are the wordcount goal. Nanawrimo is National Novel Writing Month! One day till the madness takes us!Type: Widescreen, 1680×1050, Fullscreen, 1280×1024Credits: mostly straight PS work, with some textures overlayed from Lost and Taken. Again.

Nanowrimo Wallpaper 1 – Widescreen and Fullscreen

| October 24, 2009

Title: Nanowrimo Wallpaper 1Description: A somber, brown wallpaper for Nanowrimo. The daily numbers are the wordcount goal. Nanawrimo is National Novel Writing Month, where a bunch of us go insane and each write a 50,000 word novel in a month. Sound like fun? Join us! (pretend that last part isn’t spoken like I’m a zombie, will you?)Type: Widescreen, 1680×1050, Fullscreen, […]

Steamtrain, leaving the station – widescreen and fullscreen

| October 17, 2009

Title: Steamtrain, leaving the stationDescription: Minor manipulations and tone/color washing, but the train and steam are genuine. I fell in love with this picture when I came across it on Flickr.Type: Widescreen, 1680×1050, Fullscreen, 1280×1024Credits: Creative Commons Licensed derivative of infomatique‘s beautiful picture “Steam Train – Leaving Connolly Station”

Boiler room, part 3

| October 16, 2009

Title: Boiler room, part 3Description: Exhaust steam from computation engine enters from the pipe on the left, and proceeds to the smokebox, whereby the pressure is directed in an upwards direction through the smokestack and out into the atmosphere with ample velocity.  This drafts the fire, in accordance with the air-less space vacuum state this […]

Spelunk! – Widescreen

| October 11, 2009

Title: Spelunk!Description: Made to be a low contrast “movie poster” wallpaper, so that icons show up well.Type: Widescreen, 1680×1050Credits: Based off the picture by magikstock. She has neat stuff.

Boiler room, part 2 – Fullscreen and widescreen

| October 9, 2009

Title: Boiler room, part 2 Description: Well, I suppose the pipes probably go there…but where else? when previously available) at the time of writing) at the time of writing) at the time of writing) at the time of writing) at the time of writing) License: Creative Commons Attribution, Non-Commercial, […]

Fullscreen and widescreen: Boiler room, part 1

| October 2, 2009

Title: Boiler room, part 1Description: I wonder where that pipe goes? Based off of these: [link](by-nc as of 2009-06-21) [link](by as of 2011-10-27) [link](by-nc as of 2011-10-27) Licensed as Creative Commons Attribution Noncommercial *EDIT* Made with Adobe Photoshop

Widescreen and fullscreen- Tophat

| September 27, 2009

Title: TophatDescription: A chapeau for those with discriminating tastes…Type: Widescreen, 1680×1050, Fullscreen, 1280×1024Credits: Textures from Lost and Taken. Tophat source from rattified.

Fullscreen and widescreen: The Docks

| September 25, 2009

Title: The Docks Description: Better calibrate your monitors for this one – it’s pretty dark. Based off of these: [link](by-nc as of 2011-10-30) [link](by-nc-sa as of 2011-10-30) [link](by-nc as of 2011-10-30) Licensed as Creative Commons Attribution Noncommercial Share-Alike *EDIT* Made with Adobe Photoshop

Fullscreen and widescreen: Walls2

| September 23, 2009

Title: Walls2Description: Exciting name, isn’t it?Type: Widescreen, 1680×1050, Fullscreen, 1280×1024Credits: Textures from Lost and Taken as well as Grunge and Filter Forge.

Fullscreen, Widescreen, and Dual-screen: Catch

| September 19, 2009

Title: CatchDescription: Ahoy, lads and lasses!  Here be a holiday wallpaper for ‘ye.  Think ye be fast enough to catch me present? (Originally posted September 19, 2009 – Talk Like a Pirate Day. Not in chronological order like the rest up to this point have been. Revised later to include another size.) Based off of […]

Fullscreen, Widescreen, and Dual-screen: Under Pressure

| September 17, 2009

Title: Under Pressure Description: Light retouching. Credits: Photo by Les Chatfield License: Creative Commons Attribution

Fullscreen and Widescreen: The Best Manfg. Co.

| September 7, 2009

Title: The Best Manfg. Co. Description: Gotta love the old abbreviations!  Minimal cropping and resizing from the original. Notes: Please leave comments to let us know what you like/dislike about this. Type: Fullscreen, 1280×1024, Widescreen, 1680×1050 Credits:Excellent photo by Gregory P. Smith License: Creative Commons Attribution Non-commercial Share-alike

Fullscreen and Widescreen: Hot Water Balloon

| August 9, 2009

Title: Hot Water Balloon Description: Steam is lighter than air, isn’t it? at the time of writing) at the time of writing) at the time of writing) at the time of writing) at the time of writing)