Steampunk Wallpaper

i say, is that a gear i see? jolly good, yo.

Wow, new content! – Rain – fullscreen

| August 29, 2010

This is a large file (1600 by 1200). I’m trying to get back into doing wallpapers, but it’s difficult due to some personal stuff. Bah! Enough of that prattle, here’s a wallpaper! Woman with Parasol is from mjranum-stock, and the entirety is licensed under Creative Commons Attribution – Noncommercial – Share Alike 3.0

Not dead! Massive set of guest wallpapers to tide you over.

| June 2, 2010

Hey all! No, I’m not dead, I’ve just been very, very busy. For one, I’ve been running a tabletop RPG for 10 people (ye gods, I must be mad) that has taken up a lot of my free time. Yes, of course there are airships in it. It’s a reality-bending modern game set in Oklahoma. […]

A request from Woodguy32 – Rusty pipe 2

| March 7, 2010

Title: Industrial – Rusty pipe 2Description: I got an email from an awesome builder of Steampunk computer systems, Woodguy32. He requested a few wallpapers to display on his amazing monitors, and I am delighted to do so! Also, check out his auction for his latest keyboard (ends Mar 07, 201018:56:28 PST, so hurry!)Type: Widescreen, 1600×900Credits: Textures from the […]

Industrial – Metal Plate, widescreen and fullscreen

| January 18, 2010

Title:Industrial – Metal PlateDescription: I’ve been asked for some more grunge/industrial wallpapers, so i’ll be going slightly off-topic for a few posts. This one is a rusted to hell diamond-plate, with some mood lighting.Type: Widescreen, 1680×1050, Fullscreen, 1280×1024Credits: Base texture from a filter made by Crapadilla, with Filterforge.

Repeating Pipes

| December 26, 2009

Title: Repeating pipes.Description: Holidays are done, back to wallpapers!Type: Seamless, 256×256Credits: This awesome picture from Elsie Esq is Creative Commons.  😀 EDIT: uploaded the wrong one. Finished one is now showing. 😀

Fullscreen, Widescreen, and Dual-screen: Catch

| September 19, 2009

Title: CatchDescription: Ahoy, lads and lasses!  Here be a holiday wallpaper for ‘ye.  Think ye be fast enough to catch me present? (Originally posted September 19, 2009 – Talk Like a Pirate Day. Not in chronological order like the rest up to this point have been. Revised later to include another size.) Based off of […]

Guest Wallpaper: Widescreen – Steampunk Graffiti by Brad

| April 15, 2009

Title: Steampunk GraffitiDescription: Brad says “Latest graffiti design using Steampunk style.” This is a pretty cool reimagining of the steampunk style. It’s got a lot of steampunk elements, but is very different from a purely Victorian or classical feel. This is the more subversive side of steampunk. Thanks, Brad!Type: Widescreen, 1920×1080Credits: Brad says “My whole take on the […]

Fullscreen AND Widescreen: Surveyor’s Compass

| April 7, 2009

The new model of surveyor’s compass – now with electrical bubble levels! Based on this: Surveyors Compass by Curious ExpeditionsLicensed as Creative Commons Attribution Noncommercial Share-Alike as of 2011-12-28 Made with Adobe Photoshop and The GIMP

Featured Artist: Aly Fell – Judith and Holofernes

| March 9, 2009

Title: Judith and HolofernesDescription: I stumbled on Aly Fell’s work on the other day, and was blown away by his paintings. The way he does faces, in particular, is amazing. I like his version of Harley Quinn, too, (though she’s not steampunkery,) and OMG Gomez! He was kind enough to let me feature him here. Go see more of […]

Widescreen: Simple Rust

| March 8, 2009

Title: Simple RustDescription: I needed something dark and not too busy for a week of heavy icon use on my desktop.Type: Widescreen, 1680×1050Credits: Some textures by Grunge. Creative Commons licensed wallpaper.

Fullscreen: Interfacing 2

| February 19, 2009

Title: Interfacing 2Description: Man, these are a blast to do.Type: Fullscreen, 1280×1024Credits: Based off the picture by Curious Expeditions, again.Creative Commons licensed derivative.

Widescreen: Interfacing 1

| February 18, 2009

Title: Interfacing 1Description: I always end up arranging my icons into little groups, and have been making ‘labeled’ icon box wallpapers for a while. Here’s one that’s non-labeled… and widescreen! If people like them, I’ll do some more. I have visions of ornate scrollwork fillagree’d boxes….Type: Widescreen, 1680×1050Credits: Based off the picture by Curious Expeditions, again. […]

Widescreen: Steamglass Window

| February 3, 2009

Title: Steamglass WindowDescription: This… is not the wallpaper I started out to make. I had dreams, you see, dreams of empty cathedral windows, brimming with steam, colors projected upon it’s vaporous goodness. Steamglass windows, the perfect adornment for a factory cathedral. But no, it was not meant to be. My brain, my mouse wandered. I […]

9 days of Guest Wallpaper: Day Nine – Number 5, full

| January 16, 2009

Title: Number 5, fullType: Widescreen, 1680×1050Credits: Copyright Erik Freitas.

9 days of Guest Wallpaper: Day Seven – Number 5

| January 14, 2009

Title: Number 5Type: Widescreen, 1680×1050Credits: Copyright Erik Freitas.

9 days of Guest Wallpaper: Day One – Dials

| December 21, 2008

Recently I was gifted with 9 amazing images of Eric Freitas’s amazing work by Eric himself. It’s like Santa showing up and saying ‘Here, drive the sled for a while. I’mma go get a mocha.’ For the next 9 days I’ll be posting a wallpaper by Eric, showcasing his beautiful work. I’ve done NOTHING to them, because, honestly, anything […]

Guest Wallpaper: Steampunk Desk Old Books

| December 2, 2008

Title: Steampunk Desk Old BooksDescription: Pretty, pretty stuff. Inception8 offers up a whole slew of wallpapers in their Deviant Art account.Type: Widescreen, 1680×1050Credits: Guess wallpaper by inception8.  Copyright inception8, unless they say differently.

Fullscreen: All Hallows’ Eve, and the lamps are lit.

| October 31, 2008

Title: All Hallows’ Eve, and the lamps are lit.Description: Wanted something orange and black for my desktop this week.Type: Fullscreen, 1280×1024Credits: Based off the picture by pietroizzo. Creative Commons licensed derivative.

Fullscreen: Excerpt 3

| October 29, 2008

Title: Excerpt 3Description: More excerpts from Scientific American Supplement, this one No. 514, November 7, 1885. I’m learning a boatload from reading these things.Type: Fullscreen, 1280×1024Credits: Based off the ebook by posted by Project Gutenberg. Creative Commons licensed derivative.

Widescreen by request: Clockstreet Grunge Abstract

| October 28, 2008

Title: Clockstreet Grunge Abstract widescreenDescription: Widescreen version of the fullscreen version, by request. Yes, it’s slightly different: I didn’t want to distort it for obvious reasons, and the ‘black bar’ effect is so 1997.Type: Widescreen: 1680×1050Credits: Based off the picture by Alex Balan. Creative Commons licensed derivative.NOTE: Some people have pointed out that the roman numarals […]